Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Catching up...

I am sooo behind!!  First off, I really am sad that I didn't get an entire blog dedicated to our 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY that we celebrated exactly a week after the big birthday party!!!!  However, I will say how extremely blessed I am being married to the most wonderful man in the world...the card that I found for him pretty much sums it up, "To someone who really knows the real me...and married me anyways."  Not to get too sappy on you, but Jeff really does complete me...he is my perfect balance and I am so grateful that he did know the real me when we dated, and married me anyways!!  We had a great night out (shout out to Grammy and Papa) at Pappas Bros. steakhouse...seriously...I think it probably made the top of my list...the creamed spinach won me over.   (I have no clue why blogger is underlining everything)

Moving on... I didn't get to really blog about the big birthday was a lot of fun!  We had NO CLUE what the pumpkin patch was like on the weekend...we had only driven by on a weekday and it looked so nice and calm.  Forget was INSANE on the weekend, but still lots of fun.  Here are some other pictures from the big party...

He was so funny...he kept trying to eat Miss Macie's piece of cake!

You guys all came here to celebrate just for me???!!

That's all for now, I up...state fair with the fam post!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday to our baby!

Happy Birthday, Angel Baby!  You have brought so much joy and love into your Momma and Daddy's lives.  We can't believe one year ago today, God gave you to us to watch over for Him while on this earth.  We love you so much!! 

Monday, October 6, 2008

Pimp my ride...

Yea for our upcoming switch to the bigger, more comfy, forward-facing ride!!