Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tagged for the first time...

Rules: Answer each question about yourself, then tag 5 people by posting their names and leaving them a comment on their blog.

10 Years Ago: In January 1998, I was in my second year of college at Texas Tech. I was probably studying like a big dork or working at what used to be Methodist hospital as a pharmacy technician.

Things On My To Do List Tomorrow: pick up cake for baby shower, hang out with my little man and my hubby!

Snacks I enjoy: fruit, anything salty (chips, pretzels, pickled okra), caramel delight trailmix from Sprouts, I think the question would be what snacks DON'T I enjoy

What would I do if I were suddenly made a billionaire? definately travel, build a home just the way I want it, give to help people in need and give in ways I have seen people give to me througout my life...I have been blessed to do many things in my life because those who were able, were generous enough to allow me to do some things I would never be able to do otherwise (does that make ANY sense?)

3 Of My Bad Habits: cutting people off in the middle of their sentence or finishing their sentence for them, leaving my clothes on the floor, pulling on my hair

5 places I have lived: Denver City, Lubbock, Amarillo, Dallas, Flower Mound

Jobs that I have had: working in a cotton field hoeing (the inspiration to get every other job I ever had), working at a bank, cleaning computers, pharmacy technician, waitress (HA!) at a Japanese steak house (the kind where they cook at your table...I would have NEVER made it as a REAL waitress), pharmacist

Things people don’t know about me: I have ridden the Hotter than Hell bike race (the 25 mile portion), I have been known to visit the local shooting range, I am very anal about certain things (especially my job)

I tag Jessica C, Jennifer, JT, Alexis and Emily A!


Kim said...

You are too funny. I love the pic. One day our children will ask us why we put their naked butts on the internet....

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mitzi! I just came upon your blog by linking from one to another to another to know how it goes :) Anyway, I am so happy to see that you guys are doing well and CONGRATS on your beautiful baby boy! He is adorable!!!! We also have a baby boy, Drew, who is 6 months old. We live in Arizona now, but are hoping to move back to the Dallas area sometime in the not-too-terribly-distant future. We'll see. Hope things continue to work out well for you with working and being a mom. I'm a working mom too and overall it's going fine, but there have been a few tough times! Take care and I'll check back again soon to see your little one growing...