He loves them!! Happy Friday everyone!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Two words...
Posted by mitzi at 12:32 PM 4 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
6-month birthday!
This weekend my roommate and best friend from college, Kristi, and her husband and little boy were in Dallas and stopped by to visit on Saturday. Thatch and BW are 2 weeks apart...Thatch has a little ways to go to catch up to BW's stats! Here they are checking each other out...
Posted by mitzi at 1:32 PM 3 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
The Latest Trick...
I thought I would share what little man has learned to do the past couple of days...SIT UP! Yea! Now...he doesn't stay sitting up for very long, but he is getting really good after lots of practice. What you don't see in this picture is that seconds later, he tumbled over backwards and hit his head pretty hard on that floor and started screaming...poor baby, I couldn't catch him in time...all for Mommy's taking too many pictures :( Check out those chunky legs! (don't look too close at the shirt covered in drool)
Posted by mitzi at 1:03 PM 3 comments