Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Not much to say...

We haven't had too much exciting going on in the Christ household lately, hence the lack of blogging.  Just a couple of things...
1. I'm loving this weather!
2.   I am addicted to the olympics...seriously, I am NOT a night owl, but I look at the clock and it's 11pm before I even know it!
3. We have some exciting stuff coming up in the next couple of weeks, so I will have lots to blog about...yea!
4. I know 25 people who are preggo right now!!  (that could be an exaggeration, but GEEZ, don't drink the water...congrats to all my cute preggo friends, you know who you are!)

HILARIOUS!  Thatch and I went for a walk in the rain the other morning, you can imagine the stares I got from people leaving to go to work...we had a blast and he loved it!

How cute is this chair?  My in-laws got it for him for xmas...our car was too full for it to fit, so we just got it (sad)...if you can't tell, it says LSU tigers and his name on it...LOVE it!

Little monkey...(I have NO idea why blogger started underlining everything)

"Can I just have my milk and go to bed??"

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Swimming lessons and my funk

He loves his 'nanas!

Hello to all...not much to update.  I have to admit I have been in a bit of a funk lately, just at times feeling totally BLAH.  I realize that I should not be this way, feeling like if one more thing goes wrong, I might just lose it...I have SO much to be thankful for and I know that.  I just keep telling myself that we are blessed in so many ways, and we are...these "little things" don't matter in the big scheme of things (little things being broken A/C, a brand new unit, mind you/broken garbage disposal/broken ice you see a pattern here?).  Anyways, enough of my bad mood...on to other topics...

This is a regular scene at our house...can you say baby gate?

Thatch and Sophia chilling in their strollers

Last Wednesday, my some of my family from Germany came through big D on the way to West Texas and we had a wonderful visit!  It has been so long since I have seen Becki, Reinhart, and Suzanne, and a new addition, Miss Sophia...we have missed them and really enjoyed spending time with them and seeing our babies together!  I only wish we could have had more time...

In other exciting news, our Wednesday night small group is reading a great book, Seeing the Unseen.  It is sooo interesting...all about spiritual warfare.  I have to admit, I haven't ever been taught alot about this kind of thing, it has been very eye-opening for me...I'm seeing more of how Satan attacks us and how real he and his angels are.  I can't put this book down, I'm loving it.  

Now, on to the little swimmer...he started swimming "lessons" yesterday.  You would think that I would realize there is not much swimming you can teach an almost 10 month old, but when I saw the age for these "lessons" at our gym started at 9 months, I was a total sucker.  I was so excited for him to start and yesterday at 5pm was the first session.  We got there and Jeff and I are the only people in site, except for a couple of kids getting private lessons.  When the instructor finished, she said "are you guys here for Splash 101?"  We said we were and the "lessons" began...I got in...she threw some bath toys in at Thatch...he splashed around...we went to the deep end...she sang a couple of songs...told me I looked akward holding him in the water (excuse me?)...she "taught" him to pull himself out of the pool (what?!)...and that was it.  No other kids showed up...I was a bit irritated, mostly at myself for not realizing my child isn't going to swim the backstroke before his 1st birthday, but SERIOUSLY, $100 for something I could do in my own private tub and not have to scare the public by being in a swimsuit!!  Arrrrghh...anyways, we will continue the sessions twice a week for 4 weeks and see what other adventures we have.  At least Thatch gets time in the water, which he loves!!